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3 Things Professionals Should Know About Counter Offers

Posted in August 2024

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​In a world where competition for top technology talent is fierce, counter offers are a common occurrence. Professionals can often be subject to a counter offer from their current employer when looking for a new role. There are three aspects you should consider before deciding to accept or reject a counter offer:

Is accepting a counter offer the best option?

A counter offer is flattering, but it is important to remember why you decided to hand in your notice in the first place. You need to question why it took a resignation for your employer to recognise your value and improve their offering. It’s important to put yourself in your employers’ shoes to understand their motives: is it a defensive strategy to save them the money and stress of finding a replacement, or do they have your best interests at heart?

What are you missing out on?

As an employee, it’s important to understand your worth within a company and whether this is being fairly recognised in your contract. Does the counter offer really add value to your CV, and does it position you in the right direction to assist your career growth? If your company is genuinely interested in your progression, you should know it in the first place, and certainly before you decide to resign.

What made you apply for a new role?

Consider the reasons behind what compelled you to seek a new role at a different company. By accepting a counter offer, will your reasons for initially seeking a change repeat themselves further down the line? Factors such as burnout, lack of motivation, or poor management are often high on the agenda when looking for a new job. Will a pay increase make these issues go away? In most cases, it isn’t enough.

Are you looking for a new role?

Submit your CV today, and a Glocomms consultant will contact you when an opportunity comes up that matches yor skills. If you're looking for industry-leading roles in the technology industry across Europe, have a look at our latest openings.